Modern Turkmen visual art

Modern Turkmen visual arts represent the beginning of the development of culture and creativity in our country and evolve in various genres and styles. This art reflects the national identity of the people, everyday life, and beauty of the nature. The modern period of Turkmen visual arts includes the work of artists who strive to align with new creative directions. 
Currently, Turkmen artists create works in various directions, including portrait, still life, landscape, and abstract art. Artists widely use elements from local nature and Turkmen culture in their works, conveying a sense of national pride and identity. Works created to this day are recognized as the part of Turkmenistan’s cultural heritage and play an important role in the development of Turkmen visual arts. Modern Turkmen visual arts serve as an important means of shaping and strengthening national and spiritual values in society, as well as promoting Turkmen culture around the world.
The art of painting in independent Turkmenistan has passed through a unique historical path in a short time. State ideology has inspired Turkmen artists to depict the ancient history of the people, its great personalities, and national spiritual valuables.
The permanent exhibition hall “Modern Turkmen visual art” shows the creativity of painters during the years of Independence. Skilled artists such as A.Amangeldiyev, Ch.Amangeldiyev, Sh.Akmuhamedov, G.Begmyradov, A.Almamedov, D.Bayramov, Ya.Bayramov, A.Hajyyev, Y.Gylyjov, M.Mamedov, Ya.Annanurov, and others have used the experience of their predecessors, showing positive results. S.Meredov, A.Muhamedov, A.Akyyev, A.Myradaliyev and others worked on the ideas of national self-awareness and independence.
There are several artists who have worked hard to create and implement national and state values. They have chosen various genres and created significant works of art that express national identity and traditions. They managed to reflect the truth and revive the ancient traditions of folk art, becoming great figures in the history of Turkmen visual arts.
For instance, Ch.Amangeldiyev in his works ”Bayram han” “Gyorogly”, “Abdyrahim han”, A.Amangeldiyev in “The entry of Sultan Sanjar into Merv” and “The Battle of the Parthians with the Romans”, B. Ovganov in “The Crusade”, A.Myradaliyev in “Sultan Sanjar”, and R.Berdiyev in “Jalal ad-Din Mengburnu” have reflected the images of great commanders, moments of battles, and a number of historical events that occurred in the past of the Turkmen people, using the harmony of stunning colours on canvas, enriching the content and aesthetic expressiveness of their works. 
G.Begmyradov is a master who depicted significant events of life using an “austere style”. His works are noted for their expressiveness and richness of real life. His creativity also features images of Ahal-Teke horses, which amaze the world with their grace, beauty, and power. His work “Ahal-Teke horses” clearly illustrates the role of horses in everyday life of Turkmen.
Niyazmyrat Dovodov is the artist, who contributed to the development of the landscape genre in Turkmen visual arts. His landscapes of this period include works like “My Homeland” and “Poppies”. Besides landscapes, the artist created portrait works. His “Self-portrait” is one of the well-known paintings of this time.
G.Babikov primarily focuses on still lives and landscapes. His work “Autumn in the mountains” demonstrates the beauty of the Turkmen desert. The artist’s son, S.Babikov, also consistently continued his father’s work. The vivid works by S.Babikov, like “Grape harvest”, “Spring in Hanhovuz”, “April Girls”, “Autumn in Ashgabat”, and “Vineyards in winter” serve as features of the museum’s exhibition hall and attract viewers.
In Turkmen art, the theme of the people life, national and spiritual characteristics occupy a unique place. The works of artist K.Oraznepesov reflect a national folkloric melody. His works “Turkmen craftsmen” and “Father, Mother, Grandchildren” dedicated to the theme of life, depicting the household and life of the Turkmen.
The goal of opening exhibitions composed of works by Turkmen masters, presented in the museum’s exhibition, is to make our art and national heritage accessible to the people. The presence of works by great artists in the collection of the Museum of fine arts of Turkmenistan fosters a deeper study of their rich creativity. After all, the thoughts, feelings, and accumulated experience of personalities serve as heritage for future generations; they have great importance in exploring their inner world. 



A.Nowaýy (2022) 88, Aşgabat, Turkmenistan

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